Hey all! Today I just want to focus on the word for 2011: MANIFEST!
Websters defines manifest as readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight and easily understood or recognized by the mind. Some synonyms include apparent, crystal clear, decided, transparent, and unmistakable.
This coming year I believe the LORD wants to MANIFEST in our lives! I believe He wants to MANIFEST the following:
1. Himself. He wants us to know Him. He is not a mystery, although sometimes His ways are. He has revealed Himself to us in His Word.
2. His Commandments. He does not expect us to become saved and still live a lifestyle that does not reflect Him. We must open the Word of God (the Bible) and learn what he requires of us. YES, God does have conditions on some of His promises.
For these first points we can look to my favorite scripture Matthew 6:33.
3. His Promises. God promises us not only life but abundant life in John 10:10. In Numbers 23:19, it tells us that God is NOT a lier. He means what He says!! 2 Corinthians 1:20 tell us that in Him His promises are yes and we confirm with AMEN by His Glory being through us.
Remember manifest is not name it and poof God makes it happen. No God is in control and not us. Rest assured that God is doing His part the question becomes are we doing ours?
2011 the year of Manifest!!! To God be ALL the Glory! Cole
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Don't fulfill God given needs with worldly means aka Destructive Behaviors
I believe that God has given us legitimate needs. These needs consist of various things such as love. God has really been showing me things to guard against. Right after my Daddy died in July, God warned me not to fulfill my needs with worldly means aka destructive behaviors. In the past I would fulfill my need for love with men, liquor, food and shopping. Destructive behaviors are patterns that stem from fleshly ways of getting what we want. It takes the Word of God to renew our minds of these old behaviors.
God gave me the following steps to discern how my needs are being met. I pray they bless ya!
God gave me the following steps to discern how my needs are being met. I pray they bless ya!
1. Ask yourself, what need is this person, place or thing meeting in my life?
2. How is the need (name the need) currently being met by this person, place or thing?
3. Does the way this need (name the need) is being met please God?
4. Decide if I want to meet the need (name the need) my way or God's way.
5a. If I choose to meet the need (name the need) my way, acknowledge to the Lord, Yes I know I am out of Your Will but I want what I want (name the need) met by (name,person, or thing) by (name how they are meeting the need)
5b. If you choose to meet the need (name the need) God's way, acknowledge to the Lord you have a need (name the need) and if you have been using ungodly means to fulfill it (REPENT) and ask Him to show you how to meet the need (name the need) in God's way.
Meeting our needs with worldly means will never ever work because they are flesh driven. The flesh is insatiable. Please take time to discern what means are used to satisfy your needs.
Meeting our needs with worldly means will never ever work because they are flesh driven. The flesh is insatiable. Please take time to discern what means are used to satisfy your needs.
The toilet seat and the blow torch
I have been trying to change the toilet seat in my bedroom bathroom on and off for the last month and half. OK so you are probably thinking what took so long. Well once I stripped the plastic screws I would try various things to no avail get frustrated and leave it alone.
So last week I was determined to get this seat off. God gave me the idea of using a blow torch. It was a mini blow torch so forgone were the mask and fire gloves. I am happy to report that the toilet seat has been changed.
The only side effect was me burning my finger on a piece of burning plastic. While I was using the blow torch I thought to myself I wonder how the news report would read if I had blown the house up or caught on fire. Yes, I know you are giggling just like I did as I made up crazy headlines details at 6pm.
The moral of the story is adapt and continue to be determined!
So last week I was determined to get this seat off. God gave me the idea of using a blow torch. It was a mini blow torch so forgone were the mask and fire gloves. I am happy to report that the toilet seat has been changed.
The only side effect was me burning my finger on a piece of burning plastic. While I was using the blow torch I thought to myself I wonder how the news report would read if I had blown the house up or caught on fire. Yes, I know you are giggling just like I did as I made up crazy headlines
The moral of the story is adapt and continue to be determined!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What I learned this week using IBM commercials
Hey all! What better way to sum up my week here @ Smith College:
-Create a clear purpose: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXrIoF-sVi8&feature=related
-Inspire others to invent (implement): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdtlZIjdUJk&feature=related
-Keep your ideas simple remember Moshe's everything comes in threes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoj5Scm7HaY&feature=related
-Remember the assembly line theory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io-S9iv9ucY&feature=related
-Remember to be a conductor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oktVo0reBFc&feature=related
Lastly, thanks for sharing yourself with me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKbpETScASU&feature=related
Enjoy Cole!
-Create a clear purpose: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXrIoF-sVi8&feature=related
-Inspire others to invent (implement): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdtlZIjdUJk&feature=related
-Keep your ideas simple remember Moshe's everything comes in threes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoj5Scm7HaY&feature=related
-Remember the assembly line theory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io-S9iv9ucY&feature=related
-Remember to be a conductor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oktVo0reBFc&feature=related
Lastly, thanks for sharing yourself with me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKbpETScASU&feature=related
Enjoy Cole!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I am a conductor!
Today as a sat in this leadership training tears actually came to my eyes when I heard the speaker say, you have to be a generalist with a specialty - be a conductor.
OK so you may think that tears are extreme but I felt a since of relief and fear. Relief that there has been validation to what I believe God has already been telling and showing me and fear because having to let go of the familiar in order to embrace the unfamiliar.
Webster defines a conductor as the following:
: one that conducts: as a : guide b : a collector of fares in a public conveyance c : the leader of a musical ensemble d (1) : a material or object that permits anelectric
current to flow easily — compare insulator, semiconductor (2) : a material capable of transmitting another form of energy (as heat or sound)
Two ideas resonate with me when I read this definition. The fact that as a conductor I am a guider and a vessel that is used to transmit something. God uses us as His vessels (conductors) to conduct (a) others into a relationship with Him through sharing the Gospel.
So today is the day that I embrace the fact that I am a conductor!!!!
OK so you may think that tears are extreme but I felt a since of relief and fear. Relief that there has been validation to what I believe God has already been telling and showing me and fear because having to let go of the familiar in order to embrace the unfamiliar.
Webster defines a conductor as the following:
: one that conducts: as a : guide b : a collector of fares in a public conveyance c : the leader of a musical ensemble d (1) : a material or object that permits an
Two ideas resonate with me when I read this definition. The fact that as a conductor I am a guider and a vessel that is used to transmit something. God uses us as His vessels (
So today is the day that I embrace the fact that I am a conductor!!!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Confidence....in God!!!
As I sat on a leadership con call this morning, I kept wondering to myself who in the world thinks I am a leader? OK so once again my confidence was in question...OR was it?
See my struggle with confidence only becomes that when I am trying to be confident in my own skills and not in God. I thank God for showing me that this is the case.
Think about it for a moment. Our abilities are not enough to complete our God given purpose. If they were enough then we would not need God. Adam and Eve thought their abilities were enough and look at the impact that choice made.
God has chosen us to perform tasks for His glory. Why do we seem to think that He would leave us to our own abilities and devices to accomplish those tasks?
We quote scripture and even pray for His advice but then we don't wait to hear from Him. Even if we wait and hear His advice, we don't take it because we don't like what He says. We take matters into my own hands and then we become confounded (ahhhh somebody went to ToE last night LOL) when it does not turn out the way we expected. We really did not want his advice, we wanted a Yes man. We just wanted someone to agree with us. We wanted God's blessing to stay out of His will.
I chose to put my confidence in God. I trust God and I know His abilities. He does not have a plan to make us fail nor to embarrass us. He has a good plan for our lives.
By the time the call ended I had even more confidence in God. Now it is up to me to execute His plan, His way. After all, His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts - THANK GOD for that!!!!
So I leave you with one question - What is the source of your confidence?
Proverbs 25:19 Like a bad tooth and an unsteady foot Is confidence in a faithless man in time of trouble.
See my struggle with confidence only becomes that when I am trying to be confident in my own skills and not in God. I thank God for showing me that this is the case.
Think about it for a moment. Our abilities are not enough to complete our God given purpose. If they were enough then we would not need God. Adam and Eve thought their abilities were enough and look at the impact that choice made.
God has chosen us to perform tasks for His glory. Why do we seem to think that He would leave us to our own abilities and devices to accomplish those tasks?
We quote scripture and even pray for His advice but then we don't wait to hear from Him. Even if we wait and hear His advice, we don't take it because we don't like what He says. We take matters into my own hands and then we become confounded (ahhhh somebody went to ToE last night LOL) when it does not turn out the way we expected. We really did not want his advice, we wanted a Yes man. We just wanted someone to agree with us. We wanted God's blessing to stay out of His will.
I chose to put my confidence in God. I trust God and I know His abilities. He does not have a plan to make us fail nor to embarrass us. He has a good plan for our lives.
By the time the call ended I had even more confidence in God. Now it is up to me to execute His plan, His way. After all, His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts - THANK GOD for that!!!!
So I leave you with one question - What is the source of your confidence?
Proverbs 25:19 Like a bad tooth and an unsteady foot Is confidence in a faithless man in time of trouble.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The fizzle and sabotage' factors
OK so I have been dealing with what I call the fizzle and sabotage' factors.
The fizzle factor is when I get all excited about something/someone and then after like 2 or 3 weeks of it, the thrill is gone. If I get bored with or the something/someone requires too much work, I am quick to drop it!!
The sabotage' factor is when I am doing well with something, people start acknowledging it, and recommend me to the masses, I automatically stop doing well. I become slack because now I feel like people are putting responsibility on me and now I MUST deliver. When a sister is pressured in this fashion, I just revert back to laziness.
What God is showing me is all of it is based on FEAR!!! The fizzle and sabotage' factor do not rule me. Being more than a conqueror means I master my weaknesses.
I am not going to be controlled by these two bammas - Fizzle and sabotage'. The ONLY way to overcome any weakness is to repent, submit and obey!!!!
God continues to encourage me. He keeps telling me not to grow weary in my well doing because I will reap if I FAINT not!!!! Galatians 6:9
The Greek word for faint mean to loose, unloose, to set free, to exhaust, to relax one's strength, to be deprived of strength through exhaustion, to be tired out, and to feel or show extreme discouragement, depression or dejection.
Remember - FAINT NOT!!!!!!
The fizzle factor is when I get all excited about something/someone and then after like 2 or 3 weeks of it, the thrill is gone. If I get bored with or the something/someone requires too much work, I am quick to drop it!!
The sabotage' factor is when I am doing well with something, people start acknowledging it, and recommend me to the masses, I automatically stop doing well. I become slack because now I feel like people are putting responsibility on me and now I MUST deliver. When a sister is pressured in this fashion, I just revert back to laziness.
What God is showing me is all of it is based on FEAR!!! The fizzle and sabotage' factor do not rule me. Being more than a conqueror means I master my weaknesses.
I am not going to be controlled by these two bammas - Fizzle and sabotage'. The ONLY way to overcome any weakness is to repent, submit and obey!!!!
God continues to encourage me. He keeps telling me not to grow weary in my well doing because I will reap if I FAINT not!!!! Galatians 6:9
The Greek word for faint mean to loose, unloose, to set free, to exhaust, to relax one's strength, to be deprived of strength through exhaustion, to be tired out, and to feel or show extreme discouragement, depression or dejection.
Remember - FAINT NOT!!!!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Singing On the road again....
Well I am writing this blog while chilling in my 2nd home - RDU International Airport. I never thought when I joined my corporation 13 years ago I would be doing all this traveling.
As a young 23 year old graduate I thought I owned the world and I could conqueror anything. Now as a 36 year old seasoned professional, I still have those same thoughts but I just accomplish them by methods that will please the Lord.
Sometimes we sit on the sidelines of life and view what others are doing thinking in the back of our head YEAH I could, should, and would do that BUT!!!! I don't want to be one of those people. I have learned to be one of the people to think and say do I CAN, WILL, and DO in spite of.
Yes, we all have some aspect of our lives that we could use as excuses to keep us in the former category of people, BUT don't let that stop you from being all that God called you to be.
Being on the road for work could be used as my excuse to complain about life but I believe I would probably not be as people-oriented if I did not have the experiences I have had. Being on the road allows me to understand more about me, increase my network and MOST importantly be the light in this world.
So YES I am singing on the road again and I am glad about it!!!
As a young 23 year old graduate I thought I owned the world and I could conqueror anything. Now as a 36 year old seasoned professional, I still have those same thoughts but I just accomplish them by methods that will please the Lord.
Sometimes we sit on the sidelines of life and view what others are doing thinking in the back of our head YEAH I could, should, and would do that BUT!!!! I don't want to be one of those people. I have learned to be one of the people to think and say do I CAN, WILL, and DO in spite of.
Yes, we all have some aspect of our lives that we could use as excuses to keep us in the former category of people, BUT don't let that stop you from being all that God called you to be.
Being on the road for work could be used as my excuse to complain about life but I believe I would probably not be as people-oriented if I did not have the experiences I have had. Being on the road allows me to understand more about me, increase my network and MOST importantly be the light in this world.
So YES I am singing on the road again and I am glad about it!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Not so chefy today!!!
OK so I tried to make two recipes today - Red Cabbage and Apples and chicken loaf. OK I can understand why the chicken loaf sucked, it is because I did not put enough seasonings in that joint. But I thought the Red Cabbage tasted good but I just did not want to eat it for some reason. I think I got all heath conscious (it had half a stick of butter in it) and what not (dang who say what not anymore LOL).
I was on a roll last week. Man you win some you lose some but I am not going to stop trying. No this is not the black version of Julie and Julia, which btw was a good movie. I am trying to a mass some recipes that I can use so I don't eat the same thing over and over. OK I don't see the problem eating spaghetti all the time. I LOVE spaghetti! Shanita I think I am going to cook your recipe on Monday.
I am in the process of getting an island and a pot rack put into my kitchen. It is going to be quite nice. It will be of dual function - a work area and a table. I found the idea online. My girl, Kenya, is going to help me pick out tile for the top of the island and for my backsplash. Yeah, I am making some home improvements over here this year. TBH I waited so long to put it in because I did not think I would be here that long....ahhh look at me it's going on three years now....I still cannot believe it!!! But I absolutely love it down here. I don't regret leaving. Tip: Don't stay where God has told you to leave, you become out of the will of God and dissatisfied!!!
I think I need to buy a few new pots and pans and some small kitchen appliances. I have my eye on this kitchen aid mixer but I don't think I want to pay $400+ for an electric mixer. Especially since I am a fake me out chef. I am already upset that I have burned 2 of my All clad pans.
So if you have some recipes point me to them. Chef BoyRNikki is signing off! Night night and good eating!!!
I was on a roll last week. Man you win some you lose some but I am not going to stop trying. No this is not the black version of Julie and Julia, which btw was a good movie. I am trying to a mass some recipes that I can use so I don't eat the same thing over and over. OK I don't see the problem eating spaghetti all the time. I LOVE spaghetti! Shanita I think I am going to cook your recipe on Monday.
I am in the process of getting an island and a pot rack put into my kitchen. It is going to be quite nice. It will be of dual function - a work area and a table. I found the idea online. My girl, Kenya, is going to help me pick out tile for the top of the island and for my backsplash. Yeah, I am making some home improvements over here this year. TBH I waited so long to put it in because I did not think I would be here that long....ahhh look at me it's going on three years now....I still cannot believe it!!! But I absolutely love it down here. I don't regret leaving. Tip: Don't stay where God has told you to leave, you become out of the will of God and dissatisfied!!!
I think I need to buy a few new pots and pans and some small kitchen appliances. I have my eye on this kitchen aid mixer but I don't think I want to pay $400+ for an electric mixer. Especially since I am a fake me out chef. I am already upset that I have burned 2 of my All clad pans.
So if you have some recipes point me to them. Chef BoyRNikki is signing off! Night night and good eating!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It's been a min....but I AM BACK!!!!
Hey all! Yes, it has been a while since I have written a in the Cole Chronicles online. I have been writing off on my computer journal. Yes, you know your girl is high tech.
This entry is going to be short but I did want to announce that I am back at blogging again. I think my last online entry was in June of '09. Well alot has happened since then. YES, for the better.
Stay tuned! Cole
This entry is going to be short but I did want to announce that I am back at blogging again. I think my last online entry was in June of '09. Well alot has happened since then. YES, for the better.
Stay tuned! Cole
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