Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The fizzle and sabotage' factors

OK so I have been dealing with what I call the fizzle and sabotage' factors.

The fizzle factor is when I get all excited about something/someone and then after like 2 or 3 weeks of it, the thrill is gone. If I get bored with or the something/someone requires too much work, I am quick to drop it!!

The sabotage' factor is when I am doing well with something, people start acknowledging it, and recommend me to the masses, I automatically stop doing well. I become slack because now I feel like people are putting responsibility on me and now I MUST deliver. When a sister is pressured in this fashion, I just revert back to laziness.

What God is showing me is all of it is based on FEAR!!! The fizzle and sabotage' factor do not rule me. Being more than a conqueror means I master my weaknesses.

I am not going to be controlled by these two bammas - Fizzle and sabotage'. The ONLY way to overcome any weakness is to repent, submit and obey!!!!

God continues to encourage me. He keeps telling me not to grow weary in my well doing because I will reap if I FAINT not!!!! Galatians 6:9
The Greek word for faint mean to loose, unloose, to set free, to exhaust, to relax one's strength, to be deprived of strength through exhaustion, to be tired out, and to feel or show extreme discouragement, depression or dejection.

Remember - FAINT NOT!!!!!!


  1. Self evaluation is hype...what we realize is that we are not alone. LUV UR COURAGE!!!

  2.'ve gotta stay out of my head!! I was just thinking on those things the other day. My thing is I retreat or try to run away. Thanks for being transparent and for the encouragement!! Love you!!
