Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The first time I heard you pray ode to my Daddy
So as I was about to go to sleep, I was listening to Lexi's He's Here Right Now (OK so I am starting to say right now with a Southern accent and it makes me giggle...I am so goofy :>..I digress :>) and God dropped this poem in my Spirit.
It is about the first time I EVER heard my Daddy pray. Yes, that was THREE days ago, March 31, 2009. I called and he was about to eat lunch. He said excuse me Nik (that is what my parents call me...giggle...giggle) I need to bless my food. No it was not one of those good food good meat let's eat prayers. I heard his heart and I just cried. I heard how he and God have a relationship.
See ever since my father had a stroke last year, he has been in and out of the hospital and in a nursing home. I always felt I needed to be home to protect him. I wanted to be his God. But God confirmed what He already told me...I got this I am with him. Focus on what I told you to do and I will take care of your life.
I pray you enjoy and in the words of my PRAYING Daddy...let go and let God!!!!!
First time I heard you pray
The first time I heard you pray it was on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 to give thanks for your food. It blessed my heart yes indeed. I continue to see how God is meeting every need.
Because I knew the conversion was true and I thank God for his faithfulness in saving you.
Tears just streamed down my face as I thought about God’s amazing grace.
In the past you would have just thanked yourself, yes you were that bold to declare yourself God. Humbling circumstances has determined you were a fraud.
But I cannot help but remember that day when I cried out to God. I stood in the gap for eight years holding on to the promise of God.
On June 29,2007 the manifestation came the first time I formally preached. Only God knew through me it was your heart He would reach.
For two years we have shared this heavenly bond. As I look back I would have it no other way. All the memories that were triggered the first time I heard you pray!!!
I love you Daddy! Nikki
Monday, March 30, 2009
My Bahama cruise

Well I just got back from my first cruise. I tell you I had an AWESOME time!!!! I am looking forward to cruising again in the near future.
When going on a cruise it is important to make sure you go with the right people because you spend more time socializing (other than eating LOL). The ladies I went with were such a blessing to me. We really enjoyed each other's company. Oh the fellowship on the way down was AWESOME!!!! I just thank and praise God for bringing these women of God into my life. Each of us have own style and personalities but yet we have a common thread - Jesus Christ.
It was not as hot as I wanted it to be because you know a sista likes to get her tan on. But no worries we had other things to keep us occupied. I did much resting and eating...eating...eating...eating Dang every time I turned around there was food. I thought I was going shout when I saw turkey sausage on the menu. You know your girl does not eat red meat... OK so you know they got me with the free sushi samples. They were on point but when we went to the restaurant it was not good.
The ship rocked so much that last two nights that I did not have good sleep but it was all good because I had me a nap during the day. There was this weird guy on the ship. We called him a robot. We never saw him eat and he walked like he was FBI or CIA. He was stealth for real. You would look up and be like oh my there he is. Seemed like he just showed up out of no where.
It was cool to meet so many different people from other places. We just really enjoyed ourselves and I believe we touched people's lives with the love of God while on that ship.
OK we must of been too rowdy @ one of the shows because a couple had to move from us. Look you know ya' girl was getting her singing on.....I probably would have move too if I heard me singing LOL
Ahh the memories!!! God is so good to allow me to add more memories to my life. I have nothing to complain about. Fam, life is good even when don't think we have the best circumstances. Stop thinking about what you don't have and love those around you. I have resolved to be found content in whatever state I am found!!!!
OK so God once again was protecting us from dangers unseen. We stopped at the South of the Boarder to gas up and stretch, we heard a tornado was going to touch down in Cumberland County. How about we just missed the tornado. As we were riding by we could see all the damage. We just thanking and praising God!!! God is so good!!!! I thank and praise him for getting us back safely to Raleigh.
Monday, March 9, 2009
New Music Alert!!! Daunta Tyler's God is Love

Hey fam!

Ok when I went to the Power of the Tongue Open Mic Cafe this is one of the many gifted individuals who were ministering.
He sang two songs: See Your Face and God Is Love. I really loved both these songs so I had to buy the CD. And boy am I glad I did!!!
Daunta's love for and dependence on God permeates through each song. Other songs I really love are All That, Heart Is Yearning, Awesome God, So Worthy, He Is In Love With You, Give Me You (not on the album but on his myspace page).....OK I just LOVE all the songs.
You can check out his music at Amazon, eMusic, iTunes and myspace
I pray that this man of God continues to seek the face of God and allow God to use this music to draw souls to the body of Christ.
The weekend - Wii &The Power of the Tongue Open Mic Cafe
I had an AWESOME weekend!!! I was hanging with my crew, shout out to Kenya, Tan, Roe, and Te'!!!!!! You all are CRAZY how did I get hooked up with ya'lll LOL
On Friday, we were just hanging at my house playing Wii, eating pizza, and ended the night watching Fire Proof. I think I am going to have a Wii party one day. That was my second time seeing and I loved it all over again. I know you probably thinking that movie is about marriage and that is not me. Marriage is you trust and believe because we are the bride of Christ. We have to make our marriage to Christ Fire Proof before we can even think about loving someone else. Ayyyyy in the heat of your situations don't leave your partner behind!!!! Oh you will get that after you watch the movie :)
OK on Saturday Roe and I went to the Power of the Tongue Open Mic Cafe. Let just say, I have been to many poetry Open Mics but this has been the BEST by far!!! It was hosted by the Cup of Salvation Deliverance Church in Durham, NC. The Body of Christ has many talents and I am just so EXCITED to see how everyone was using them. People were doing poetry, singing, dancing and playing instruments. You know ya girl wanted to run up there and play the drums but I must stay in my lane LOL
The Holy Spirit just took over halfway through the night and it was AWESOME!!! People received Christ and got delivered - this is what the night was really about winning souls to the Kingdom.
I am looking forward to the next Power of the Tongue Open Mic Cafe. I am just loving that title. It is true body of Christ the power of life and death is in your tongue and those that love it will eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:21).
If you are on facebook here is a link to Power of the Tongue so you can keep abreast of the happenings
Please continue to Speak Life (the Word of God)!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
You are more than a conqueror!!!!
I just had to put this on paper today and share. Last night I keep listening to Lexi's Super Victorious from her CD What Heavens Hear (what an awesome title...think about what Heavens hears us saying....I digress).
The Greek word Paul uses in Romans 8:37 translated as conqueror is u`pernika,w hupernikao {hoop-er-nik-ah'-o} meaning to be more than a conqueror, to gain a surpassing victory.
In edition two definitions from Webster resonated with me: to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition and to overcome by mental or moral power.
WOW!!!!!! When I first learned Biblical Greek a few years ago, I was awestruck by this. It blew my mind to know that through Christ, I have the power to master that which would want to master me. Obstacles, oppositions, sins have no mastery over us because we are slaves to the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit - third PERSON of the Godhead). Don't bow down!!! We can use our weapons from Ephesians 6:10-18. Glory be to God!!!!!!!
In chapter 8 of Romans, Paul is talking about living a Spirit led life. So that power that lives inside the believer that makes them more than a conqueror through him that loved us is the Holy Spirit.
As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death aka this life on earth God has given us what we need to overcome obstacles, oppositions, and sins!
Remember you are MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!!!!! So won't you continue to walk with me in victory and CONQUER something today!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My fitness coach, Maya- get your Wii on!!!!
I am so glad my parents bought me a Wii last year. I absolutely love it!!! It is such a stress reliever. I love playing American Idol. I LOVE singing even though all I can make is a joyful noise LOL.
So a month ago when I was home in VA, shout out to the Murland-Northern VA-DC Metro area. Yeah, I am repping all three but your girl is from Murland LOL...OK I am starting to get a NC accent, Lord help me...digress
Oh yeah the Wii game I bought is called My personal fitness coach. That thing is the truth!!!! Maya, my fitness coach, works me out. I feel like I just ran a marathon afterwards...OK I am being EXTRA!!!!!
If you are like me and get bored with the same routine of exercise...and have a Wii or looking for a good reason to buy a Wii, check out My fitness coach.
Oh I also have a Wii fit. I love that as well. I love how the board talks to me...hel-loo..step-on LOL You can get a variety of exercises with it. Strength training, Yoga, running (I still need to get my inhaler..) LOL
Get that body moving!!!!
Choose to live, laugh, and love!!!
Antonio Neal is one of my favorite artists!!!! His new CD called Live, Laugh, Love speaks volumes about the most important things in our lives - family. I LOVE how he celebrates his bride!!! Just like Christ celebrates his bride!!!
At some point in our lives we have to let go of our past, live in the present and look forward to our future. At some point we have to accept God's forgiveness and stop beating ourselves up for past sins. At some point we have to just have to be naked and not ashamed before God. At some point we have forgive those that hurt us and made us feel less than. At some point we have to accept what God has said about us - did you know you are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, salt of the earth, God's friend, the Master's masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made and marvellous are his workds, and I could go on and on!!!
God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. I believe this guarantee from God helps me make it through the valley moments in life.
Won't you join me and choose to live, laugh, and love? You only have more to gain. Let it go and look forward to what God has to offer.
I am EXCITED about our future!!!!
Confidence in God's ability
Tan was telling me about how God gave her a scripture, Hebrews 10:35-39 yesterday. I told her my situation and I was like this scripture is for me too. I thank God for Kenya's encouragement yesterday. It is so important to have people around you who keep you in the faith.
God is so good because He equipped me for this job over 7 years ago. I worked on my Master of Science degree from 1999 - 2002. I learned about what was considered at that time Advanced Technologies and eCommerce. I have the foundation and now is the time to build upon it. Technology changes so much it becomes so difficult to keep up.
I got frustrated because I kept thinking about having to learn so much in a short period of time and not being able to deliver. Sometimes I ask God, how in the world did I even get picked for this award and this assignment, I don't know anything? Sometimes I feel like the weak link on the team with nothing to offer but encouragement. This lack of confidence started to paralyze me and second guess myself.
This is all self-defeating talk. This is NOT what God wants me to say. He equipped me to do a job and He will continue to put resources in my path. It is up to ME to use them.
Today I am so thankful that God knows my end at the beginning. I thank Him for giving me confidence in Him so that I can rest and know that all things work for the good of them that love Him.
These are EXCITING times in technology and I just need to continue to work in excellence right where I am.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Thanks Roe! I thought this was so funny and VERY true!!! Enjoy! Cole
1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.
2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.
4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.
6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.
7.. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.
8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.
10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.
11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : )
12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.
13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.
14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.
15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list.
Monday, March 2, 2009
It Shall Come to Pass!!!!
God woke me up this morning with Hezekiah Walker's It Shall Come to Passon my heart. See I have been asking God to reconfirm His promises to me. I don't want to be exercising faith for things that God has not spoken. Those things will NEVER come to pass because God is only obligated to perform what he spoke not what Cole thinks and wants.
I pray that your will becomes God's will, exercise your faith and watch God bring those promises to pass!!!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Vanessa Bell Armstrong (VBA) - I Just Love You!!!
This song,, has just been blessing me this pass week. VBA is just saying that her situation does not change how she feels about God - she Just Loves Him!!!!
I am praying that the Church of God will take on this same sentiment. In fact, God tells us in Luke 10:27: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind;...
This scripture does not say do this if your situation not at all!!! I pray this song blesses you as much as it blessed me!!!