Hey fam!
Well I just got back from my first cruise. I tell you I had an AWESOME time!!!! I am looking forward to cruising again in the near future.
Well I just got back from my first cruise. I tell you I had an AWESOME time!!!! I am looking forward to cruising again in the near future.
When going on a cruise it is important to make sure you go with the right people because you spend more time socializing (other than eating LOL). The ladies I went with were such a blessing to me. We really enjoyed each other's company. Oh the fellowship on the way down was AWESOME!!!! I just thank and praise God for bringing these women of God into my life. Each of us have own style and personalities but yet we have a common thread - Jesus Christ.
Alison is a hoot!!! She had me laughing so hard I started wheezing...ya know ya girl got asthma LOL I almost had to get my inhaler out. She has such a sweet spirit. Everyone was like where is the ring leader - Alison. Roe is always ready for the camera. She will strike a pose on you no matter what!!!! Always be ye ready is her motto LOL Sonya was little firecracker (man down and get ya girl). She was just ready at all times. She would just pop and say what's up what's going on LOL Pam was so bubbly. Keep smiling girl!!!!! Well you know me ya girl was just chilling in the background .and eating (ya know your girl likes to get her eat on)...if you see five heart beats you will get that one LOL. I just liked to laugh myself sick....I wanted to cry at times because of how blessed my life is. See we often thought our lives should be one way but God makes it something different. I am content with the something different....OK why I gotta preach/teach in this blog LOL Stir up the gifts!!!!!
It was not as hot as I wanted it to be because you know a sista likes to get her tan on. But no worries we had other things to keep us occupied. I did much resting and eating...eating...eating...eating Dang every time I turned around there was food. I thought I was going shout when I saw turkey sausage on the menu. You know your girl does not eat red meat... OK so you know they got me with the free sushi samples. They were on point but when we went to the restaurant it was not good.
The ship rocked so much that last two nights that I did not have good sleep but it was all good because I had me a nap during the day. There was this weird guy on the ship. We called him a robot. We never saw him eat and he walked like he was FBI or CIA. He was stealth for real. You would look up and be like oh my there he is. Seemed like he just showed up out of no where.
It was cool to meet so many different people from other places. We just really enjoyed ourselves and I believe we touched people's lives with the love of God while on that ship.
OK we must of been too rowdy @ one of the shows because a couple had to move from us. Look you know ya' girl was getting her singing on.....I probably would have move too if I heard me singing LOL
Ahh the memories!!! God is so good to allow me to add more memories to my life. I have nothing to complain about. Fam, life is good even when don't think we have the best circumstances. Stop thinking about what you don't have and love those around you. I have resolved to be found content in whatever state I am found!!!!
OK so God once again was protecting us from dangers unseen. We stopped at the South of the Boarder to gas up and stretch, we heard a tornado was going to touch down in Cumberland County. How about we just missed the tornado. As we were riding by we could see all the damage. We just thanking and praising God!!! God is so good!!!! I thank and praise him for getting us back safely to Raleigh.
OK so as you look through our pics http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=235059&id=766480170&l=a397d2945e and http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=235075&id=766480170&l=4a5f09213e I hope you can feel the love and fun. I can't give too many details because we said what goes on on the ship stays on the ship!!!!
Make some memories today!!!
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